How To Throw a Killer Halloween Party On The Cheap

Halloween isn’t just for kids — in fact, there are plenty of opportunities for the older crowd to have fun come October 31 (particularly since it’s a Saturday this year). What better way to get everyone together than with a theme-y party?

We know entertaining can be stressful — especially if you’re on a budget. But that should be the last thing to scare you off this Halloween. So grab your costume — we’ve got the tips that will help you throw a positively thrilling party for all your favorite ghouls and witches.

Create a Budget

Decide how much you want to spend before you send out the invites (or, real talk, emails). If you’re on a hotdogs and burger budget, that’s what you should plan to serve, not steak. We all love to eat like kings, but save your pennies (and the more expensive stuff) for those times you’re entertaining one or two friends. And remember, it’s as much about spending great times with friends and family than eating fancy food!

Go Pot-luck Style

It’s a tried and true suggestion for a reason. Assign one friend cheese and crackers, another salad, another a pasta dish, another dessert and you provide the mains. Boom! You’re done! Feeling awkward? Don’t. People always want to bring something. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to try out some new recipes and reduce your stress level in preparing it all.

DIY The Decor

Halloween is the perfect time to try out your crafty side (and it doesn’t even need to involve excessive amounts of black and orange!). Pumpkins are inexpensive and can be spray-painted (think gold or silver) and carved. You can even create some pretty unique garlands in no time flat (and for very little cash). We found some other fantastic ideas on Apartment Therapy. And don’t forget to visit your local dollar store — where you’re bound to find loads of appropriately festive pieces that will make your party a hit!

Make Your Own Costume

Throwing a costume party? Halloween’s a great to time do it up, but there’s no need to spend a fortune on your get-up. There are plenty of great costumes you can create in no time (even if you’re a novice around the glue gun).

Cheap Out on the Drinks

Consider yourself wine snob? Let it go. Don’t get us wrong, we love that you can tell the difference between a Cab and Pinot Noir (we’re wine fans too!). But parties are great times to explore different (less expensive) grapes. You can make a vampy sangria with boxed wine (we’re a fan of the Bota Box and Public House brands). Also, there is always one friend who doesn’t cook who will show up with a bottle or two. Throw in a case of beer and a creative punch and you’ve covered just about every taste preference. Bonus: boxed wine has a much smaller environmental footprint than bottles.


Remind yourself that you were the one to open your house to guests. We’re sure they’re more than happy to be relaxing somewhere low-key (and budget-friendly). Enjoy yourself! Remember, it’s your party.